

2019年12月25日,MedoActive米逗互动智能终端代表在上海市浦东新区万科实验幼儿园参观、培训米逗课桌的使用。 万科实验幼儿园拥有多个活动室、乐器室、多功能室,注重孩子在环境中自主探究,与米逗智能终端提供的互动协作教育理念相同。  • end •  如有兴趣了解更多,请联系我们 视动科技(珠海)有限公司 珠海市横琴·澳门青年创业谷18栋三楼 Tel:0756-6969319 Email: Website: 微信公众号:视动科技订阅号

MedoActive interactive desk participated in the 2019 Guangzhou Smart Education Equipment Exhibition (December 20-22)

MedoActive interactive desk participated in the 2019 Guangzhou Smart Education Equipment Exhibition (December 20-22)

During the exhibition period, there was an endless stream of visitors to the booth where the MedoActive Interactive desks were located, which aroused widespread attention from the educational circles, and was even more loved by the children on site! If you are interested in learning more, please contact us StoneTouch Tech (Zhuhai) Co. Ltd. 3rdRead more about MedoActive interactive desk participated in the 2019 Guangzhou Smart Education Equipment Exhibition (December 20-22)[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, Jingle Bells

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, Jingle Bells

Activity goal Activity procedure ➔The teacher clicks on the ringtone, let the children listen to it, and ask: What is this sound? (ring) ➔Children, guess what bell is ringing? (alarm clock, telephone, bicycle, doorbell, small bell) ➔The bell is ringing, what is it telling us? The alarm clock is beeping, calling the children to getRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Language, Jingle Bells[…]

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Science, Feeding Rabbit

Kindergarten Courses – K1 Science, Feeding Rabbit

Activity goal Activity procedure ★Guess riddles to stimulate interest in knowing the bunny. Puzzle: red eyes, white clothes, short tail, long ears. (Hit an animal) Answer: Bunny Puzzle: It has long ears and eats vegetables, jumping and jumping is so cute. (hit an animal) Answer: Bunny ★Guide children to follow and read riddles. ★The teacherRead more about Kindergarten Courses – K1 Science, Feeding Rabbit[…]

MedoActive米逗互动课桌在上海 | 培训花絮

MedoActive米逗互动课桌在上海 | 培训花絮

2019年11月27日至29日 MedoActive米逗互动课桌团队在上海市静安区各幼儿园培训圆满成功! 如有兴趣了解更多,请联系我们 视动科技(珠海)有限公司 珠海市横琴·澳门青年创业谷18栋三楼 Tel:0756-6969319 Email: Website: 欢迎关注我们微信公众号:视动科技订阅号



活动 感谢小伙伴们一直以来的支持, 特推荐一个活动信息! 时间:2019年12月13日 周五 15:00-17:00 地点:广东省珠海市横琴·澳门青年创业谷17栋 智慧金融产业园一楼 主办单位:横琴新区党群工作部、横琴金投创业谷孵化器管理有限公司、横琴新区高层次人才服务中心 协办单位:珠海欧美同学会横琴分会 行业领域:教育科技 特邀专家:视动科技(珠海)有限公司总经理 陆明博士 分享主题:协作教育——梦想的起航! 报名方式:长按下图,选择“报名工具”,立即报名! 视动科技(珠海)有限公司 珠海市横琴·澳门青年创业谷18栋三楼 Tel:0756-6969319 Email: Website: 欢迎关注我们微信公众号:视动科技订阅号
